Path Along the Lagoon

Path Along the Lagoon, Fine Art
Path Along the Lagoon

Fine Art    22 x 28 x 1    CA$600.00   

Artist statement
Having been born in Victoria, the beach and the ocean have always been there, right down the road from me. Esquimalt Lagoon was the place to go as a teenager and then, for the past 15 years, my art studio has been on this same Lagoon, inspiring many of my paintings. We bought a house with a view of Jaun de Fuca Strait where I can sit and look out at the water from my deck every day. Most of my life I've taken my surroundings for granted, not realizing how it's shaped who I am and how important it would become. My love, is a whole lifetime rooted in this place called 'home'.
Medium and technique
Oil on canvas