
Mombrain , Fine Art

Fine Art    28 x 15 x 15    CA$400.00   

Artist statement
With this piece “Mombrain”, Shannon gathered her to-do lists from an entire year and secured them to this hand built hollow porcelain self portrait sculpture to give a tactile impression of what a overwhelmed mother may be holding in her mind. This piece is about self love as Shannon is recognizing and validating the struggle by showing this so honestly. On closer inspection of this piece you can see all the jagged scars on Mombrains face and body while at the same time she has her lipstick and eyelashes in tact and ties it all up with a bow on top. Something she has been guilty of and believes by showing her truth here with ernest curiousity she is aiming to shed light and allow her self to heal. Shannon likes to talk about harder conversations in a beautiful way and believes “Mombrain” is a piece about bravery and love and is hoping to begin to mend and make steps on improving her own life as she balances being a stay at home mom and artist.
Medium and technique
Cone 6 electric fired porcelain, stain, glaze, glue, paper